主页 / SAE 2018 自动驾驶汽车安全技术国际论坛 / DEKRA - 助推自动驾驶未来发展

作者Stanislaw Zurkiewicz@DEKRA
DEKRA - 助推自动驾驶未来发展
Stanislaw Zurkiewicz DEKRA 摘要 随着自动驾驶和车联网技术的快速发展,专业检测设施和多样性的模拟能力变得比以往更加重要。除了对 功能性组件进行测试外,全面综合性的技术测试需求也越发迫切。这其中就包括自动驾驶和车联网应用中 车辆彼此之间以及其与基础设施之间的交互方式的测试。 DEKRA 可根据OEM 及其供应商的复杂需求制定独特的应对方略。我们率先定义协议并促进标准化进程, 成为行业内OEM 及其供应商的积极合作伙伴。凭借德国自动驾驶测试场地和西班牙互联互通测试场及实 验室的专业知识,DEKRA 为未来汽车行业提供综合性完善的测试环境,满足创新带来的需求,重塑人类 的生活和出行方式。
DEKRA - Supercharging the Future of Autonomous Driving Stanislaw Zurkiewicz DEKRA ABSTRACT The rapid advance of automated and connected driving technologies has made access to specialized testing facilities and extensive simulation capabilities more important than ever before. As well as the need for functional component testing, there is an urgent requirement for fully integrated technology testing. This includes the ways in which vehicles with automated and connected driving technologies interact with each other and with the infrastructure. DEKRA has developed a unique strategic response to the complex needs of OEMs and suppliers alike. Centered on the expertise of our test site in Germany and our specialist laboratory in Spain, our goal is to provide a fully integrated testing landscape that will meet the needs triggered by innovations that are reshaping the way we live and travel.
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