主页 / SAE 2018 自动驾驶汽车安全技术国际论坛 / 自动驾驶- 功能安全与预期功能安全相互作用的挑战

作者Mirko Conrad@Samoconsult GmbH
自动驾驶- 功能安全与预期功能安全相互作用的挑战
ISO 26262 《道路车辆—功能安全》就如何预防由汽车电子电气系统产生故障导致的意外风险提供了指导 意见。但是,即使电子电气系统没出故障,因技术或系统定义缺陷也会造成安全隐患。 ADAS 开发人员一方面要解决车辆功能安全问题,一方面要考虑时下热议的“预期功能安全(SOTIF)”, 处境越发地艰难。目前为止,关于SOTIF 的指导文件并不多。不过,即将发行的ISO PAS 21448《道路车辆— 预期功能安全》文件或将填补这一空缺。
Automated Driving - Challenges in the Interplay between Functional Safety and Safety of the Intended Functionality Mirko Conrad Samoconsult GmbH ABSTRACT ISO 26262 "Road vehicles — Functional safety" provides guidance on how to avoid unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of automotive E/E systems. However, hazards can also been caused by these systems in the absence of any faults, i.e., resulting from technological shortcomings or shortcomings in their system definitions. Developers of ADAS are increasingly caught between addressing functional safety and the latter topic area, dubbed SOTIF (safety of the intended functionality). To date, there is only limited guidance on SOTIF, but ISO PAS 21448 "Road vehicles— Safety of the Intended Functionality", an upcoming Publicly Available Specification, might improve this situation.
2018-11-27 08:34:42
2018-11-27 08:39:11
2018-09-07 13:19:28
2016-06-15 12:35:15