主页 / SAE 2018 自动驾驶汽车安全技术国际论坛 / 超越原型:EASYMILE 商用化自动驾驶小巴
作者Pejvan Beigui@EasyMile
超越原型:EASYMILE 商用化自动驾驶小巴
Pejvan Beigui EasyMile 摘要 自2014 年下半年上市以后,我们的自动驾驶班车的销量连续三年节节攀升,虽然三年的时间不长,但就“零 基础设施”的MaaS 商业化产品而言,这已经是最长的增长记录了。 很多公司设计的是独特、定制化的原型车,这是为了研发和“技术示范”,而我们的客户是要在真实的公 共交通中投运我们的车辆。我们要设计的是可以量产的车型,来满足真实运营的要求,所以我们面临的挑 战和大多数自动驾驶初创公司截然不同。 在本次报告中,EasyMile 的首席技术官Pejvan Beigui 将介绍EasyMile 所使用的技术,并探讨在满足效率 和安全要求的前提下,如何在成熟的交通行业和汽车制造行业融入最前沿的技术?在这个过程中,自动驾 驶行业又面临着什么样的挑战?
Beyond the Prototype: EasyMile's Commercially Available Autonomous Shuttles
With our autonomous shuttles sold and deployed since late 2014, we have a short, 3-year track record. Yet, this is probably the longest track record available for any commercial product in the "no infrastructure" MaaS space. Designing unique, bespoke prototype vehicles to conduct R&D and "technology demonstrations" is vastly different from actually commercialising autonomous vehicles and managing the expectations of real, business customers who happen to be operating public transportation with your vehicles — we face completely different challenges than most "AV" startups we meet. During this talk, Pejvan Beigui, EasyMile's CTO, will provide an overview of the technology used within EasyMile, and discuss the challenges facing the AV industry when it comes to managing bleeding edge technology alongside mature transports / vehicle manufacturing industries and their efficiency and safety requirements.
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