主页 / SAE 2018 自动驾驶汽车安全技术国际论坛 / 功能安全 - 安全自动驾驶是团队工作

作者Christoph Maier DEKRA Digital GmbH
功能安全 - 安全自动驾驶是团队工作
Christoph Maier DEKRA Digital GmbH 摘要 自动驾驶技术是未来最大的挑战之一。需要对数十个传感器进行每秒数百次的评估,以创建一个有效的环 境模型,并在此基础上,推导出驱动策略。为了确保正确和安全的功能,研发不仅要考虑电子产品,还要 考虑产品和整车水平的机制。为了在功能链中编排单个产品的行为,需要一个全面的、可追溯的风险分析、 风险缓解、测试规范和验证方法。 在此次演讲中,我们将介绍一种方法,讨论如何确保对机电产品的风险进行整体分析。
Autonomous driving is technology wise one of the biggest challenges ahead. Dozens of sensors need to be evaluated hundreds of times a second to create a valid environmental model. Based on this model, the driving strategy will be derived. To ensure proper and safe functionality, the development has to consider not only electronics, but also mechanics on product and vehicle level. A holistic and traceable approach for risk analysis, risk mitigation, test specification and validation is needed to orchestrate the behavior of single products in the function chain. In this presentation we will present an approach on how to ensure a holistic analysis of risks of a mechatronics product.
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