作者GoSSIP @ LoCCS.Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Cisco IOS Router Exploitation 来自BlackHat'2009。作者讨论了Cisco IOS路由器中的漏洞利用问题。
Available Vulnerabilities
- 2008 年Cisco Systems’ Product Security Advisory公开了14个漏洞,基本上所有的描述都是造成DoS
- 有理由相信不是memory corruption而是 insufficient handling of exceptional states
- Service Vulnerabilities
- 防火墙,导致现在(2009年)攻击开始从server向client转移
- Cisco IOS里有HTTP(S), FTP, TFTP, SSH, TELNET, 但是”For attackers seeking to gain control of important network infrastructure, such services are not of interest, as well-managed networks will not make use of such services on their core routing infrastructure.”
- 网络设备中会使用的协议EIGRP, OSPF, ISIS, BGP
- BGP: the service will not be visible as such to any remote network node
- Other routing specific services, such as OSPF and EIGRP, require the network traffic to be received on an IPv4 multicast address, effectively making - sure that the sender is within the same multicast domain as the receiving router.
- 但是Cisco IOS IP options vulnerability是一个例外
- 其他今年加入到IOS的服务包括VoIP, SSL VPN, 包过滤Web Service Management Agent(SOAP),XML-PI和H.323
- Client Side Vulnerabilities:But up until now, client side vulnerabilities have not played any role in Cisco IOS attacks.
- Transit Vulnerabilities
- triggered by traffic passing through the router
- Transit Vulnerabilities are extremely rare.
- 原因在于包转发通过fast-path转发,所以除了第一个包之外,其他的处理过程都通过硬件来做了。。
- 还有一些包会被”punted”, 从硬件退回给CPU来处理,作者提了两个可能:(1)目的IP是Router自己,但是这就不再是一个Transit Vul了;(2)IP fragment reassembly
- So far, no true Transit Vulnerability is known to the author.
2018-06-21 09:19:25
2017-09-04 13:38:30
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