主页 / INSEC WORLD成都·世界信息安全大会 / Norms of Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace
  • 作者
    U.S. Army Major General (Retired) John A. Davis VP, Public Sector Palo Alto Networks
  • 简介
    • • Norm 1: Be more transparent than in the past 比过去更加透明
    • • Norm 2: Establish and enforce standardized procedures for effective oversight and strong accountability 建立并执行标准化程序,加强有效监督
    • • Norm 3: Share information about criminal and terrorist cyber threats of common interest 共享危及到共同利益的犯罪和恐怖主义网络威胁情报信息
    • • Norm 4: Ban loosely controlled third party actors and organizations from performing cyber attacks 不雇佣管控松散的第三方行为体或组织机构参与到网络 活动中
    • • Norm 5: Encourage and incentivize industry participation in the development and enforcement of other norms 鼓励并激励产业界积极参与到规范制定与实施
  • 提示
  • Norms.of.Responsible.State.Behavior.in.Cyberspace.pdf
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