主页 / NSC2017第五届中国网络安全大会 / Protecting the Protectors How AMTSO and AppEsteem help the security ecosystem succeed
作者Dennis Batchelder
- Why do security companies need help?
- Customers expect their security solutions to be efficient at detecting and stopping threats
- AMTSO addresses the fair comparison problem with testing standards
- We know unfair tests hurt customers
- AMTSO’s testing standards help security companies compete fairly
- AMTSO’s other key initiatives
- It’s time to join AMTSO…
- Software monetization or PUA?
- We watch AVs struggle to keep up with PUA
- Our goal is to help AVs by leading monetizers to choose sides
- Monetizers can choose to be Deceptors…
- Monetizers (hopefully) will choose to be clean
- We supply our app intelligence to the AVs
- The Deceptor Program works!
- We try to certify apps from monetizers who are ready
- AppEsteem offer to China’s monetizers
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